The Playbook on Founder Philosophy
Welcome! In the playbooks preceding, we’ve delved into the many complexities of running an organization – from validating your idea to building your product to marketing your organization. Now, we’ll outline what it’s going to take for you, the founder, to show up as the leader you need to be.
As the founder, you are the secret sauce that will bind this thing together or cause it to fall apart. To succeed in this grand endeavor will require both your head and heart, so you must find ways to balance the two and exhibit both. The sections below offer a glimpse into how to do that. But the work and learning doesn’t end here. We encourage you to keep learning and sharing your findings with others. It’s going to take a whole lot to solve the challenges before us.
“Just put one foot in front of the other…Do the next right thing – and do it for the right reasons. When you feel yourself cycling in your stress, remind yourself you’re not going to be stressed about the same thing the next day.”
– Sal Khan, Founder, Khan Academy
Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making
As a founder, you’re the chief visionary. Whether it’s on the agenda or not, you are always responsible for thinking strategically, both short and long-term. In Nietzsche’s words: “The most basic form of human stupidity is forgetting what we are trying to accomplish.” It’s true. Strategic thinking is nearly impossible when you don’t have a good sense of what you’re fighting for. Once you’ve done the hard work of clarifying your mission and deciding exactly who your product is for, making strategic decisions becomes more straightforward (see The Playbook on Impact Measurement).
To speak in generalities, strategy tends to evolve more quickly in the tech sector than in the nonprofit sector. Given that your organization lies at the intersection of these two worlds, it’s up to you to determine where you fall on the spectrum. At Fast Forward, we have a bias towards action. With impact as your true north, we believe strategy can and should dynamically evolve to meet current conditions. We’ve seen many organizations spend years refining a strategic plan, when they could have used that precious time to learn from and serve beneficiaries. As the leader, the decision is yours.
Successful founders are decisive. Indecision is a trait we often see in founders who fail. Being decisive requires clarity on your true north, which can serve as a point of reference when making any decision. (Note that a firm understanding of your distribution ethics will help you define your true north – see The Playbook on Impact Measurement.) Being decisive also means that you’ll get things wrong. The ability to make new decisions based on new information is a superpower of great founders.
The Nonprofit Strategic Plan
A strategic plan is a more formal outline of your strategy for a program or your organization at large. There are plenty of resources on formal strategic planning, so research to find one that will work for you. At Fast Forward, we use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results – see The Playbook on Tech Nonprofit Marketing).
Strategic plans are helpful for things like aligning your team, keeping your board of directors in the know, and creating a framework to guide decisions about what to spend time on. A thoughtful nonprofit strategic plan outlines the following:
Vision: What the world – or your organization – will ultimately look like when you’re successful in your endeavor.
Mission: Why you are setting out to do this thing.
Strategic Goals (or Objectives): The major goals you seek to accomplish. These are generally more high level. Define the progress you want to make in terms of your timeline.
Timeline: When you’re going to accomplish your goals.
Tactics: What you will do to garner the results you’re seeking to achieve.
Metrics (or Key Results): What you will quantitatively measure to determine whether or not you were successful.
Co-Founder Decision-Making
When it comes to co-founder decision-making, trusting and liking each other as humans makes all the difference. Co-founders don’t always need to agree. Full stop. But when you don’t agree, it’s critical to have tools to guide how you move forward. Communication is the most important thing, so if you can afford it, get a co-founder coach. If you can’t afford it, read a book and work on it.
Pro Tip
Sleep On It
Fast Forward’s co-founders have a “sleep on it” rule wherein they make sure they sit with a big decision for a night before moving forward.
Founder Focus and Time Management
Words we live by: Keep the main thing the main thing. Focus on the main thing you’re trying to do. This necessity is inextricably linked to strategic thinking – spend your hours on the work that will heed the most impact. We don’t know of any successful founders who’ve tried to launch multiple things from the start. One of the core challenges about being a leader is that there are countless strategies that can be deployed at the same time. Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean it’s smart. You have to choose.
Once you’ve determined what the main thing is, spend time on what you’re best at. In an ideal world, you and your co-founder (we hope you have one!) have complementary strengths. As such, divide and conquer the work. For example, at Fast Forward, one of our co-founders is mostly focused on bringing resources and support to the team and our programs. The other is focused on strategy, mission alignment, and product.
Perfection is the Enemy of Good
We see many of our early-stage, high-achieving founders fall into the trap of trying to get everything just so before launching. Change your tune – save perfection for when it matters. A bias towards action will accelerate your timeline.
Do Work That is Urgent and Important
Successful people spend their time on what’s most urgent and important. While it’s so much easier to spend time on the things that check off items on your (we’re just going to come out and say it – never ending) to-do list, strategically allocating time to the work that is most urgent and important – and will thus push your organization forward – is the best move.
In closing, manage your time in a way that works best for you. Everyone’s got their own tips and tricks – the Pomodoro method people, the zero inbox people, the morning focus people – just Google “productivity frameworks” and you will be in a click hole for the rest of the day (wait don’t do that…remember the urgent vs. important matrix?). The best leaders find a method that works best for them and GSD (get stuff done).

The Eisenhower Urgent vs. Important Matrix
Pro Tip
At Least Seven Years
As a tech nonprofit founder, you’re signing up for at least seven years of being on. What does this mean? It’s simple. Tech nonprofit founders are tackling tough problems for which there is no easy solution. Building an organization and changing the world takes time. Be prepared to put it in the effort.
Self-Care for Founders
This is a marathon, not a sprint. And real talk: one of the major challenges of being a founder is that you’re never really off. If your team (or a funder!) needs you to be available, you better be available. However, you need to balance the imperative to be on with the fact that you’re a human on this planet who needs time to recharge. It can be particularly hard not to become a workaholic in the impact sector. Knowing that working hard can lead to greater impact makes it tough to unplug, but we’d argue that the important work you’re doing makes it even more critical that you show up as your best self.
How do you do that? Enter: self-care. We know, we know. It’s a buzzword that means different things to different people. Here’s what we mean:
Tag team when you need to be off. Ask your co-founder, a board member, or another leader to take the reins when you need time away. In a well-functioning organization, you shouldn’t be the bottleneck for all decision-making and problem-solving.
Find a way to manage communications. Your inbox will become a busy place once this thing takes off. Find a sustainable way to manage your inbox. Before coming into the office, Fast Forward’s co-founder Shannon Farley spends an hour managing her inbox, which helps her stay on top of everything.
Block off time. When you’re in the office, people are going to ask you for things. To solve your need to do deep work, like complete a thorny proposal or presentation, block off time on your calendar. This will signal to your team that you are focused on a specific deliverable and you’ll get back to anything not urgent when you can. Caveat: If a funder needs you, this rule is moot. Always be available to a funder.
Know when to say no. More on this in the section below.
The Personal Advisory Board
Start building a personal advisory board, which is a group of people with similar trajectories. Look to your personal advisory board when you need help thinking through a problem, need advice, or generally want to hang out with leaders in your space. Invest in these relationships.
Examples are forming a group of fellow women founders, fellow Black founders, fellow founders in your issue area, etc.
Pro Tip
As the leader of an organization, listening to the questions is often more important than the answers. The best ideas aren’t always your own. Become attuned to hearing great ideas around you; they may come from your staff, your board, or your users. It’s hard to do too much listening.
Learn How to Say No
Get really good at saying no. Trust us. If you’re an under-represented founder, this is especially true because you’re going to be asked to be at (and speak at) a lot of things. The way you say no should be tailored to who is asking. In general, we recommend saying yes to asks from partners unless that partner has asked too much of you. You are the arbiter of your own time. Treat it as your most precious resource.
For Fast Forward’s co-founders, if the thing being asked of them doesn’t fall into two of the three of the following categories, it’s a definite no:
- Supporting tech nonprofit entrepreneurs.
- Deepening partner engagement with tech nonprofits.
- Unlocking new capital for tech nonprofits.
Create a framework for yourself to make it easy to decide what’s worth saying yes to. Below are some questions you can ask yourself as you personally define this framework:
What is the opportunity cost of saying yes? Of saying no?
Does saying yes mean you will be in the room with someone who can help push your organization forward?
Does saying yes mean that you will bring in more resources that will ultimately help you serve your beneficiary in a greater capacity?
Will saying no in the short-term make way for bigger opportunity in the long-term?
By saying no, can you create space for an under-represented founder to speak in your stead?*
*Be a channel, not a dam. Said differently, sometimes your “no” is a “yes” for someone else. Depending on the particular ask, a superpower you can call upon is suggesting under-represented founders who are looking for increased visibility. It’s even better if you can recommend alternate, under-represented speakers whom the organizers may not know. A “no” in this case becomes a chance to promote someone else. Make sure to stay updated on the types of visibility that other tech nonprofit leaders are looking for. This way, you can keep them top of mind when the right opportunity shows up in your inbox.
Overcoming Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is pervasive is a common challenge for founders. When we fall prey to this all-too-common feeling that we’re not good enough or we’ve only succeeded because of luck, we question things like does everyone think I don’t know what I’m doing? Or do I even deserve this job? We have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?
The bad news: self-doubt will likely show up time and time again. With concerted effort and attention, its frequency and severity will diminish over time.
The good news: there are plenty of tools to get your head out of the bad place:
Remind yourself of what you’ve accomplished. Over and over again. Heck, keep a list in your drawer that you can refer to whenever the feeling of not being good enough creeps in.
Let moments of doubt be just that – a moment. Acknowledge the self-doubt as it arises, but don’t dwell on it. The difference between people who get consumed by it and those who don’t is mindset.
Get comfortable with feedback. Receiving feedback is a common trigger for self-doubt. Get comfortable with receiving it so the action of hearing it doesn’t deal a blow to your self-confidence.
Be authentic. The more you show up as your full self, the less you have to try and fit the mold of “how you think you should act.”
Be in community. Spend time with people who value you. Share how you’re feeling. Let them remind you of your worth and let their words fill you up.
Pro Tip
Template Your Responses
Set up “templates” or pre-written email responses so you don’t have to do the emotional labor of deciding how to say “no” every time.
Networking as a Founder
There is so much work to be done when running a startup that we can forget about the human side. But neglecting the humans who can help you push this thing forward does a major disservice to your organization (we see this all the time). Your network is everything. If you don’t tend to it, it will wilt. If you do give it the TLC it deserves, it will unlock opportunity in the form of connections, capital, and community.
The goal of networking is to find people who are like-minded and can ultimately champion and support your work. It’s critical to develop relationships with those who can push your cause forward in different ways. Networking is a long game – it’s not transactional, it’s relationship building. If it feels transactional, you’re doing it wrong.
Fast Forward’s co-founders owe much of the organization’s success to their networks. Without the ability to call on hundreds of leaders across the tech and social sectors, the program may have initially flailed. But the fact that both had dedicated significant effort to building out their networks throughout their careers meant that it was possible to access seasoned advisors, mentors, and connectors when Fast Forward needed them most.
How to Build Your Network
Building a network takes years of effort. Start now. There are tons of ways to build a network, but we recommend beginning by going back to the basics. Participate in your community in a meaningful way. When you meet someone who is doing similar work to you, nurture the relationship. To meet aligned people, attend relevant lectures or events. Put yourself out there. Ask to exchange contact information with promising peers. Then, follow up. Go have coffee. Connecting in-person works.
Stay in touch. Follow up and check on people. When you see that a professional connection accomplished something – or conversely is going through something hard, check in. Being a good person matters. Along those lines, one of the things people often say is that if you ask for money, you likely won’t get anything, but if you ask for advice, you’ll get more than advice. Seek out the counsel of those you admire, but make sure you’re in service to them too. To understand how to create a mutually beneficial relationship, ask them: “How can I be most helpful to you?”
How to Build a Strong LinkedIn
If you live in an urban area, you are more than likely within 1 or 2 degrees of separation from people you need to meet. LinkedIn is a great resource for sussing this out. How do you build a strong LinkedIn profile to make these connections possible?
(Obviously) connect with people you meet professionally.
Use a clear headshot.
Try and have over 500+ connections. Shallow, but it gives your profile a professional look.
Don’t connect with people that you don’t really know. Funders or partners will reach out to your mutual connections when they’re doing due diligence, and if you’re not really connected, it’s a bad look.
Amplify the achievements of others by either sharing their successes, or direct messaging them with a personal note of congratulations.
Define your personal mission statement and keep it at the top of your bio.
Humble brag a little! Let people know what you’re up to so they can celebrate with you and keep you in mind when relevant opportunities arise.
Party Tricks
It may look, sound, and taste like a party, but when you’re in the company of professional peers and funders, you are not at a party. You are at work. Here are our best tips for making a great impression at Not a Party-Parties.
Watch the alcohol consumption. Consider sticking to sparkling water or soda, but if you must have a libation, drink in moderation.
Eat beforehand. This way, you can be fully present in conversations. Do not (we repeat: DO NOT) have food in your hands or mouth when you’re networking. You’d think we wouldn’t have to say it…
Stay away from friends. Try not to talk to people you know so you can meet new people. That’s one of the points of attending a Not a Party-Party.
Place your nametag on the left side. This way when you’re shaking hands, the person can read your name. Less socially awkward and it helps them remember your name. Win-win!
Smile at people. Everyone at a Not a Party-Party is a-little or a-lot freaking out. Just smile and say “Hi, I’m Shannon.” So easy.
Walk up to a group. It’s simultaneously terrifying and liberating. Just walk up, say hi, and be blunt by telling the group you want to meet them. We dare you.
Say someone’s name two or three times. Simply knowing someone’s name and showing them that you’re making the effort to remember them goes a long way. If you say a name a few times, you are bound to remember it.
Introduce yourself over and over again. Put people you’ve met before at ease by kicking off the conversation with: “We’ve met before, I’m Amber…” Great start to a conversation with an acquaintance.
Deal with bad conversations. While you’re in the throes of the bad conversation and your mind starts to drift, squeeze your toes. You’ll become more alert and make the person you’re speaking to feel like you’re paying attention.
Exit bad conversations. To exit, we suggest: 1. Introduce the person you’re talking to to someone new. This makes you a generous party guest. 2. Simply tell them it was a treat to meet them and that you’re there to network so you’re going to continue to mingle with guests. #TimeisaPreciousResource
Give people an out. If you’re speaking to someone and they’re looking around trying to get out of the conversation, you will come off better if you graciously give them space to leave.
Record your experiences. When you get home, spend 10-15 minutes recording what you did. Who did you meet? Any good connections? Did you learn anything about existing connections? Note it all in your CRM.
Pro Tip
What Culture Isn’t
If you’re thinking about improving your company’s culture, you first need to understand what culture is not. Culture is not: The formal policies in your employee handbook; a series of values or a mission statement displayed on a wall; going out for happy hour once a month with your coworkers; office perks; doing trust falls with your colleagues at an annual retreat
Company Culture
As you might have guessed, the cultures of tech nonprofits are a little bit tech startup and a little bit nonprofit. That’s not for everyone. As we described in The Playbook on Hiring a Social Impact Tech Team, you can hire the most talented and highly recommended people, but they may not be set up to succeed at a startup or a nonprofit. You need folks who are both mission aligned to the core and aligned with the company culture you want to create. Yes, we said create because culture is continually created with each new decision, each new hire, each new partner, etc.
Company culture is a lot of things, but it’s overwhelmingly defined by its leaders. What you tolerate and who you promote and fire signals what you expect. Think long and hard about the kind of company culture you want to build – it will define everything. Implicitly or explicitly, your team is looking to you to make sense of things like:
How hard they should work.
How they should make decisions.
How much of “themselves” they should bring to the office.
What they can get away with.
Pro Tip
Invest in Yourself
As a founder, professional support in the form of therapy and executive coaching can make a huge difference in developing a healthy company culture. You’ll gain tools that will enable you to be kinder and more resilient at work, which will inform how your team operates as well.
While founders set the tone, the rest of the company culture pie is made up of employees who are not an organization’s core leaders. People bring all sorts of things with them when they join a new team. They bring work habits developed from past jobs, hobbies and interests, ways of communicating (or not communicating), expectations…the list goes on. It’s called company culture for a reason – it’s created by the whole company.
For startups, think about it this way: when you go from two to four team members, that’s a 100% growth of your team makeup. You can expect your company culture to change accordingly. When you add just one other person, that’s a big adjustment too. When hiring, remember that each new person will shift the company culture. Consider if the personality and work style of a candidate represents the direction you want for your organization. If they don’t, think long and hard about bringing them on.
A moment of empathy. Like so many elements of this social impact startup thing, culture is really hard. If you’re not taking care of yourself, it’s going to show up in your culture. If you have fantastic employees but one team member with a difficult personality, it’s going to influence your culture. Stay acutely aware. Culture will make or break your team.
Tips for Effective Team Leadership
If you want to run a productive, happy, and impactful team (of course you do), you need to spend time nurturing the team, understanding interpersonal dynamics, and providing a framework for success. Dan Kass, Co-Founder of JustFix, shares some of the best tips he’s learned along the way.
- Separation of roles and responsibilities is super important. Begin at your job posting. JustFix referenced the MOCHA model as one example of how they “set the stage” for projects or decisions. This helps keep creative space at all levels and provides clarity for decisions.
- Everyone is an individual with different needs and work styles. At JustFix, everyone created a Manual of Me which outlines the individual’s work-style.
- Take time to establish regular feedback and check in structures. JustFix adopted a quarterly check-in process that allows team members to reflect, self-evaluate, and set personal and professional goals while also getting specific feedback from their supervisor. It’s also super important for feedback to happen between those check-ins as well.
- Empower emerging leaders. For your organization to be sustainable, at some point you need to grow beyond an individual/co-founder driven team and build new leadership within the organization. Make space for professional growth across team functions.
- Equip new team members with what they need to know. Make sure they understand the timeline of the organization, what has worked/not worked, rationale for decisions, or what future goals are.
Pro Tip
Retain Organizational History
At Fast Forward, the co-founders sit down with every new employee and give them a crash course in our history. From major milestones to lessons learned to our current strategies, this sit-down serves to fill in important contextual gaps and helps new employees connect with leadership.
Gratitude is good for you. Just ask #science – a regular practice of gratitude increases happiness and wellbeing. In addition, it’s a powerful community-building tool that helps you excel at the aforementioned elements of being a founder: networking, building a team, self-care. Many of the founders we work with are so deeply entrenched in their work that they don’t take the time to practice gratitude. We get it. But we strongly encourage you to take that pause. It will help you in ways unseen.
So why be grateful when the issues you’re solving are unjust and should never have existed in the first place? First, because gratitude forces you to stop and recognize that it is an honor to work on these hard issues. Most people can’t do this work. Second, gratitude reminds you that you’re not in this alone – you have a community at your back. Finally, the wins in this sector really matter. A regular practice of gratitude reminds you of this fact, and makes the bad days so much lighter. More self-care, please.
Ways to Practice Gratitude
Develop a regular gratitude practice. Perhaps this is a daily journaling or a moment of reflection each day to appreciate what you’re grateful for. Whatever it looks like, take the time daily to feel gratitude. It will spill into how you interact with others.
Be generous of spirit. Be willing to share your gratitude with others. Don’t keep your gratitude to yourself. Whenever possible, let people know why you’re grateful for their support or work. Let it flow!
Lead by example. If you want to develop a culture of gratitude at your tech nonprofit, you have to lead by example. Make the invisible visible by giving positive feedback in public. Note: some employees may prefer to receive positive feedback privately – be mindful of individuals’ preferences.
Create time to acknowledge those who are in this fight with you. Create a tradition of giving gratitude to those whose support made this possible; your board, your team, your supporters. At Fast Forward, we give formal gratitude annually to our board to acknowledge how they’ve moved the organization forward. For our co-founders, writing these acknowledgments is a highlight of the year.
Take time to acknowledge and celebrate wins. Gratitude and celebration run on the same track. Mark these milestones in whatever way floats your boat – happy hour? An afternoon off of work? What are we in this for if not to make – and celebrate – victorious strides against the big social issues we’re up against?
Time to Get Started
While there is so much uncertainty on this journey, we hope this guide encourages you as you build the solutions our world so desperately needs. If there’s anything we hope you take away from these playbooks, it’s that you’re not in this alone. Whether you see it or not, you have a community walking this path alongside you. Find them. Find us. We’re in this together.
Our last word of advice? This tech nonprofit founder thing is worthwhile. Sticking with it through its challenges, victories, and unknowns will be the most rewarding work of your life. You’ve got this.
The Playbooks
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